Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lazy Girl foods: Fusilli pasta, fresh cream and bacon

Most evenings I find myself in the kitchen racking my brains for a decent meal. I am très paresseuse so I look for less elaborate but delicious answers. Pasta if cooked with the right ingredients can go from drab to fab in seconds. Here's one of my quick go to meals for le dîner.
  • Take your pasta, preferably Fusilli (it's the corkscrew shaped pasta which is easily found in your local super marts), bring it to boil in a casserole and add salt according to your needs. Add a bouillon cube/ maggie cube in the casserole for that "extra" flavour.
  • Meanwhile in a wok or large frying pan, add les lardons (bacon cubes) or any meat of your choice. If meat isn't your thing, then tuna or salmon is the way to go. Use olive oil for fish and no oil if you're going with the bacon. 
  • The most important ingredient to have is your trusty herbes de provence (mixture of herbs which are readily available in local stores), some thyme, pepper, aneth (dill in English) and other herbs of your choice! 
  • Add mushrooms to the herb infusion, following by an egg. Stir the mixture so that the egg coats all the ingredients in the pan. 
  • Test if your fusilli are done, drain and add to the large pan. Add some butter and a few spoons of la crème fraîche (fresh cream). Mix the pasta well with the ingredients in the pan. Add more herbs and salt if you wish. 
  • Close the pan and let your pasta simmer for a few minutes. 
  • Serve with wine of choice :)


  1. Since having come to Europe, I have been relying heavily on pasta. Thanks for the recipe (and the scrumptious pictures). Will definitely be trying it soon!
