Monday, November 15, 2010

My camera is HERE!!!

OMG I am so happy, my Canon EOS 500D arrived! It came like an hour back and I'm going loco with it!! I was not expecting French post to be so quick but hey! good for me. Sadly I have to leave for class in another hour so I have to control pathological photo taking tendency. Voilà first two pics of many more to come! So worth the money spent and the month of self starvation to follow :)


  1. Congratulations! The year I decide I want a DSLR is the same year I can't afford it :(
    Till then I satisfy myself with Photography magazines and an old, borrowed, digi cam.
    The point is, I now live vicariously through other people's DSLR phtography, and as such, I'm doubly happy for you :D

    What's the second picture of, by the way? Loved its vagueness. Waiting for more.

  2. Oh Cynqueen, I really hope you get one! worth every penny. Speaking of which I am down to my last 50 euros before I call on mother dearest! :o)
    The second picture is of the Venetian blinds in my kitchen. :)
    thanks for the comment!
